I'm a software developer with a focus on back-end technologies.

I currently work in DevOps engineering, though am equally passionate about all stages of the software development life-cycle. I trained at Makers where I honed the practice of methodical process in software engineering, and how to write and deploy clean and maintainable code.

My interests include open-source software, the digital humanaties, Art, politics, and photography. I have an ecclectic background: coming from academia (Philosophy); then working in the Arts (photography, as a lighting technicican); I also had an intermittent stint working in Education, specifically with young adults with learning difficulties.

My current favourite languages are Ruby, and Python, though I'm comfortable working with JavaScript and languages from different paradigms. I build according to SOLID principles, and clean design architectures as espoused by Kent Beck, and Sandi Metz.

Technical skills & tools:
Ruby    Rails    Python    JavaScript            vim   Ssh   mongodb  

Object oriented programming in Ruby, and JavaScript
Test driven development (TDD) (RSpec)
Design principles (SOLID)

I compile useful docs in my documentation journalling,
I write about technical topics on my blog, over here.